Spideroak cloud
Spideroak cloud

Very important to note here that you do not want to use this for valuable files. Once setup, you get a URL that you can copy paste in a e-mail and the pictures or files are made available to them.

spideroak cloud

The great p[art is they don’t even have to have an account with SpiderOak. SpiderOak also has a share feature that let’s you share a folder on your system with friends and family. So, in a way, Spider Oak is Dropbox on steroids. Then if I move the drive to another system, copy files to the synced folder and then put it back on a system with SpiderOak running, it will automatically sync the change to your other systems you have configured.

spideroak cloud

The nice feature I noticed with this is even though the SpiderOak client is running, I can still unmount or safely remove the external device that I made part of a sync. Synchronization even works across an external device. The folder doesn’t even have to be the same name on each system. I like that I can select not just one folder, but any number of folders to sync.

spideroak cloud

Any change on one system resulted in a change on the other system just like Dropbox and Ubuntu One. To test this, I selected a folder in my home directory and installed the client on another system.

spideroak cloud

This makes it easy to share data between multiple systems using SpiderOak. SpiderOak also includes a file synchronization feature similar to how Dropbox and Ubuntu One works.

Spideroak cloud